SPARC Projects

Connect OER

Open Education

Tidewater Community College

Norfolk, VA, United States
Official Website @TCCva

Type: Public 2-Year
Annual Enrollment: 27,646


OER Webpage
OER LibGuide


Tidewater Community College launched its first Z-degree program (zero textbook cost) in Business Administration in the Fall 2013 semester. Since that time, the program has grown and new Z-degree programs are ready to begin in the 2017-18 academic year. In addition to the development of new Z-degree courses, many faculty have opted to adopt OER outside of the official Z-degree pathways.

Campus Details

Campus Entities Most Active in Efforts Advancing OER:

Library Departments Active in Efforts Advancing OER:

Academic Subjects With Greatest OER Traction:

Mechanisms to Support OER Included in the Following:

OER Programs


Two-year associates degrees consisting of courses using free, openly-licensed, high-quality electronic textbooks and other educational materials.

Duration: 09/2013 - Present

Program Webpage:

Scope: OER (open course content)

Primary OER Strategy: OER Adoption

Secondary OER Strategies: OER Adaptation, OER Awareness, OER Pedagogy, OER Review/Assessment

Unit Housing the Program:

Program Partners:

Source of Program Funding:

Total Student Savings to Date: $ 1,000,000

Incentives Offered by the Program:

Conditions: Recipients are required to openly license and freely share resources created or adapted

OER Policies

Use of Open Educational Resources

Except from policy purpose statement:

"Provides guidance to faculty in achieving the following outcomes through
the utilization of Open Educational Resources (OER) at Tidewater Community
College: improve student success through increased access and affordability, and
improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness through the ability to focus, analyze,
augment, and evolve course materials directly aligned to course learning outcomes."

Duration: 08/2013 - Present

Policy Type: Formal Policy

Policy Scope: OER (open course content)

Governance Level: Institution wide

Policy Text

Point of Contact

Steve Litherland
Associate Vice President for Libraries